The Smells Of Summer!!

The time is here! Spring/Summer! Although I hate the heat and the bugs and the horrific flood rains, I do love the Candles from Bath and Body Works. I even got my husband into my love for a nice smelling candle. 😘

I could kick myself though, I had an email for $9.00 3 wick candles and ignored it like an idiot. I then waited for the 2 for $24.00 and went to sniffville! 

I loved so many so I'm sure I will be going back for more this summer but these two really got my attention. If you are into rain scents or light florals then I highly recommend these two! I'm not into sweet smells or very musky scents. Plus they have the cute covers so you can reuse the jars after they are all used up. I would love to go online and grab more but no one has invented smell-o-vision for any device yet. Hint hint.


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