Recollections Planner

As my pervious blog mentioned, I am in the stages of an organizing transformation. As I'm waiting for some orders to come in from a few different stationary companies, I happened to walk into Michaels for some colorful pens and in bright red and white letters I saw what every little planner dreams of ... SALE!

The store was practically giving away merchandise. In their "everything planner" isle, they had their Recollections planners which are normally $29.95 down to $10.00! So naturally, I couldn't resist. There were so many cute styles it was hard to choose just one, but I decided to try out the "Dreams Are Worth Chasing" in purple, pink and blue watercolor. 

Unlike the Erin Condoner planners, the weekly section is horizontal, instead of vertical which is something I've always preferred. It has a lot of space for notes and for monthly goals. It's nice to have everything in one space that you see everyday to keep you on track and motivated. I'm a real goal maker so visualizing my goals everyday helps me to achieve them.

It also comes blank. So you get to choose which month you are going to start on, which is a better purchase in my opinion because there is nothing worse than having to wait another month or so before being able to use a planner. The back of the planner also comes equipped with stickers and a pencil case as well as a small folder. The rings are sturdy and won't bend at the slightest touch. Trust me, I've already packed this bad boy into my work bag which houses an array of paper work as well as an 8 pound laptop. The planner itself is a little heavy, but I enjoy it over anything flimsy. It's light and bright and has enough room in each week day space to write what you need.

Michaels also had a sale on The Happy Planner planners but since I see them everywhere on blogs, I didn't think it was necessary to try them out. However, they were 40% off so if you're a huge The Happy Planner fan, I'd run over! I did manage to walk out with one of their sticker books which is appropriately entitled "Mom Life" which I used for my first week of using the Recollections planner. 

Everything I've used I have linked below. You can find them at your local Michaels if they are still on sale and in stock but since a lot of my readers are not in the U.S., I have the Amazon links below!

Until my next organizing blog, see you soon and don't forget to check out my Instagram or Facebook: @mommyisthenewblack and tag me in your planning/organizing pics!

Recollections Planner on Amazon: CLICK HERE

The Happy Planner Mom Life Stickers on Amazon: CLICK HERE

Paper Mate Felt Tip Tropical Pens on Amazon: CLICK HERE


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