How We Are Doing Christmas This Year (and going forward)

Christmas is being done just a little bit differently this year than we have done it in the past. Since my husband and I are expecting our second child, we began speaking about our "budget" for the holidays this year and going forward. We didn't have an exact figure in mind, we instead decided that since he has a child from another marriage and we will have two of our own, we need to come up with a fair way to get all the children a fair amount of gifts this year and going forward.

So we decided (because marriage is all about compromise, right?) that we will spend the same amount on all the kids. Let me just say, I think things will get complicated and jealousy will rear it's ugly head in the future, but this is what we decided for now. So if we decide we will spend $300.00 on each kid, then that's the cap for their gifts. I personally feel that this may be an issue later on, especially with my husband's son who is 9 right now, his gifts are a little more pricey. For example, XBOX games, a TV, etc... are all expensive compared to the $25.00 for a baby's large toy. The potential problem with this could be that he realizes that the little boys are opening a lot of gifts while he has less than half of what they have and measures things that way rather than monetarily (because let's face it they have no idea what the cost of anything is). But like I said, marriage is about compromise so this is a compromise and we will see how it goes.

When it comes to my husband and I, we recognize that anything we actually need or want, we can go out and get for ourselves throughout the year. What we really need and deserve is a weekend away. No kids, no TV, no chores...just a small little get-a-way, just the two of us. That is something we don't get anymore...alone time...especially on the weekends. We are young and so is our relationship and we need that time together or else we are just roommates taking care of kids all day, every day. As of right now, we plan on getting each other little stocking stuffers and then spend whatever money we decide on a nice weekend away. This also works for my parents who will be babysitting our son for us while we are away, a nice, inexpensive gift for us!

So that's how it's going this year. Things changed just a little as our family expanded and how our needs have changed as well. I have to say,  the anxiety I felt last year as to what to get my husband is no where to be found this year and it already feels amazing and exciting!

I always wonder how others organize their holiday season (among other things).


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