Why I Had A Baby Sprinkle?

It's simple really. I wanted to celebrate our second child. With our first, my pregnancy was so easy and it was our main focus for 9 months. In fact, it was a lot of people's focus that made it even more special and exciting for us (like the grandparents! :)). This pregnancy however, has been so rough on me. I had been sick for the first 6 months. I had pains and heartburn and hot flashes. I grew faster than before and had the craziest hormones ever! So instead of being excited or happy or anything other than uncomfortable this time around, I didn't feel like I was giving my newest addition the recognition he deserves. I wanted to have a day where I forgot about all the pain and discomfort of the past 8 1/2 months and the stresses of wrapping my brain around having two boys only 2 years apart to take care of. So there ladies and gentlemen is the reason for the sprinkle!
It was a very nice gesture that my friends and family made to come celebrate my second child coming into the world. Their love and support made all the stresses of pregnancy go away for the day and I was able to get excited to see everyone and be me for a little bit. It was also fun to eat a bunch of good food and open some wonderful, thoughtful gifts for our baby boy to use and wear in a few short weeks.
Before this sprinkle I was actually beginning to feel that our second son wouldn't be as accepted or loved as much as our first. Boy how wrong was I?! Everyone is excited for our growing family! I may have had my doubts before. I may have been full of nothing but complaints and tears. But now...I'm so ready to have our boy here and begin this next chapter in our lives and it's all thanks to this wonderful new social event known as a baby sprinkle.
Side Note:
I'm going nuts with this nesting phase. There needs to be a pill you can take to stop this craziness from happening. I am literally running out of cleaning products. :)
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