
It is currently 3:30 AM on Tuesday, November 20th. Why am I awake? I wish I knew. My mind doesn't seem to shut off these days. I'm always thinking of work or things to do. It's exhausting. But at least I get to watch Gossip Girl on Netflix and create a new 5 year plan while I wait for the sun to come up.

Is this insomnia or just how 2018 working-mothers live these days? My husband is sound asleep while I am running numbers in my head and prioritizing my schedule for the next two weeks. How can someone sleep through the night when there are a million things to do?! Am I the crazy one?

Well...the good thing? I've developed my own business plan, wrote this blog, scheduled social media content for myself and others while realizing that Thanksgiving is like two days away and I'm pretty sure my turkey is still super frozen.

Ok...back to work!


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