The Guessing Game

I have to be honest. I have no f'ing clue what I'm doing. It's all a huge guessing game. I try one thing, if it works I stick with it, if not...I feel like a failure and cry and then find something new to try. There are no rights or wrongs in parenting. I'm learning that fast. What one mother does, another may not. Even what one parent does, the other may want to explore another option instead. That's the problem...there are too many damn options.

From vaccinations to eating organically, there is always something new coming up for everyone to try and the problem with this is, it makes a mother feel as though the path she has chosen is wrong. Gerber use to be the name of baby food. If you had Gerber, you had it all under control. These days, if it's not organic, coming out of your breast or blessed by a Priest, a Rabbi and a Pastor then you are basically feeding your child poison, at least this is what 2014 society believes. If you sat your coughing child in steam, you were helping your child's chest congestion, now if you don't drug them up with antibiotics and steroids someone may call DYFUS on you.

All of the above, plus the constant arguing back and forth with other parents makes me a frantic, stressed, panicked, mess of a mother. I have no idea if anything I am doing is considered right in the eyes of every other parent around me. This past weekend I brought my son to the Emergency Room because of (for lack of a better word) a cough. An upper respiratory infection, a lot of coughing and mucus and fever. Would every mother run their child to the ER for fear of pneumonia after their child was just seen by their pediatrician not two hours prior? No. Did I do it? Yes. Was it the right choice to make him go to the hospital? Who knows! I'm sure someone, somewhere would see this as being selfish rather than being protective. To ease my mind of fear and it not having anything to do with his. So, there is always a possibility that somehow and in someway, I am constantly failing as a mother. But, there was never any manual given to me before I left the hospital on the only and exact way to take care of a child. If there was, it would make life a lot easier. But because there are so many opinions out there and research on this and debates about that, there are just too many views as to what is right and far too many more as to what is wrong.

The point of this rambling is to basically type myself into believing that I'm doing the best I can. That no matter how others may judge my constant need to bring him to the doctor for everything, I am doing what I believe I need to do for him. And if I have his best interest at heart, I have to realize that I will fail here or there on the decisions I make or the things we try, but it's all a guessing game. One day something may work and the next, I may freak out knowing that we will have to try something different (like listening to my pediatrician and not going nuts over a common virus).

Until the time comes where I have it all figured out (which will most likely be never), the guessing continues...


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