Welcoming Baby #2!
The Journey:
It's finally over and our baby boy is here! I could not be any happier or any more RELIEVED! To say this pregnancy was pleasant would be a bold faced lie. The end result however, made it all worth it.
Going into my second pregnancy I was told over and over again that no two pregnancies are a like and that has been proven to be true. My second pregnancy was completely different from my first. From the constant and everlasting morning sickness of my first two trimesters to the induction day on my 40th week, this has been such an uphill battle for me. But here we are, with a beautiful, healthy baby boy and that's all I ever wanted.
The first and second trimester were full of morning sickness and exhaustion. The third was full of exhaustion, uncomfortable pains and hormonal swings that made me into something else. I was a monster to say the least and to my husband (who suffered with my craziness) I am SO sorry to have put you through it. What made me so anxious the entire time was that I knew all the things that could go wrong and I knew that labor really, really hurts! So that was basically all I could think about. That and having a newborn and a toddler at the same time. There would always be two of them for me to love and care about and protect and I put a lot of pressure on myself to make sure I did all I could to make sure I was mentally prepared for that responsibility.
Now, since having our second boy, I feel like I know what to do and what to really stress about and what to not. When my first would make any type of noise or cry, I'd run right over to him, pick him up and my mind would race trying to figure out what the problem could be. I would send myself into a panic! But now, when our second does the same, I give him a few before being concerned and as it has been turning out, it's usually nothing.
Being At Home:
It is very difficult juggling two children who are in constant need of your attention and help. It's also a bit difficult to figure it all out while home alone. My husband is definitely helpful and hands-on while supporting all of us but it's still a hard process to go through even with someone by your side. This morning I was feeding our youngest whilst our two year old took off his diaper, sat next to me and watched his ipad. I figured a bit of pee on my couch was a lot better than a screaming, hungry baby. I have learned in the few short days I have been home, that I have to pick my battles. I have to let things go. Messes, laundry and even bills need to be put aside for right now and it's ok. It will get done and if it becomes a huge problem, I will figure it out.
Other than the lack of sleep, the doctor's appointments, the family obligations, the errands and every day goings-ons, it has been a great transition welcoming a second child into our lives. The feeling of completeness is so relieving. Now, my husband and I get to look forward to growing together and watching our two boys grow up and become their own person. I look forward to being a part of their activities and school events and going on family vacations. I just see the future much more clearly now and it's exciting!
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