New Year-New Resolutions

        Yay! It’s girls day out! Oh, it’s been forever! I can’t even remember the last time I was able to go out with a girlfriend kid-free. It is not as easy as calling a babysitter. You have to pick someone you trust, someone who knows your children, someone who knows where you keep everything in your house like bottles and food, yadda, yadda, yadda. So this day-outing took some coordination but it’s finally here!

I think that’s what I’ve been missing. Actually I know that’s what I’ve been missing because I say it to my husband all the time. I usually cry to him that he and I never have time alone together and I never have time with any friends. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to be awake and able to do all the things that need to get done and then do the things I want to get done. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before on my blog, I mean I have been doing this for two years (with a little random break here and there). In fact, this topic of time has made me start thinking about my New Year’s resolutions. I make resolutions every year and some times I actually follow through. Other times my expectations are a little too high, like losing 20 lbs in a month. Ha! But this year, I have a few that seem realistic enough to achieve and pertain to the chapter I'm on in my life right now.

Most people say that you shouldn’t bother to make resolutions. I say; why not? What could be wrong about trying to better your self or your life or someone else’s? For instance, yesterday my husband and I had a little picnic by the river (scene: we had McDonalds and sat in my car to eat it while my kids napped in the back seat but hey, it worked and we had a nice conversation). There was a woman running (rather power walking) along the boards and my husband made a sarcastic comment about her not actually running. I would have usually chimed in and said something to piggy back on that joke but then I thought; at least she’s trying. She’s out there and she’s doing it and she’s being active and the joke was on us! We are the ones who are always talking about working out and yet we were the ones eating fast food in a car. So he said I was right (shocking moment). I envied that woman in that moment. She wasn’t a marathon runner, she wasn’t even a good jogger but she was doing it and she didn’t give a shit what people may say or think of her. She decided to go out there and move and she did it. Plus, she had on cute workout gear. So what’s wrong with setting a few goals for 2017 and at least trying to do them? 

So as I sit here trying to come up with some good resolutions for 2017, I’m already hearing that negative voice in the back of my head shooting down every idea (which I think most people will hear while going through the resolution process). In my case the main excuse this voice is using is that I can’t do this or that because I have two small kids. And yes, to a certain extent I will not be able to do some of these resolutions as often or in the certain way that I would like to, but one of those resolutions is to: find the time. And that goes for everything. I found the time this morning to write this. I mean, I got up at 5:30 with my youngest and had to give him his bottle, clean up the living room a bit and put on Paw Patrol choosing to give up the luxury of sleeping in. But the point is that I found the time to write this and now I feel a sense of calm. Which brings me to another resolution: write more.

I don’t care if anyone reads this blog. I don’t care if I make any money off of it. I don’t care if I have typos or grammar mistakes. I just really love writing and it’s relaxing to me. I find joy in it and that’s all that matters. I have been writing my whole life. Journals, school papers, stories, poems, this blog. It’s just who I am and I want to do things that make me happy both mentally and physically. And there’s my next resolution: take better care of myself. 

I am always doing for others. My kids, my husband, my stepson, my family. Since becoming a mom, I’ve given up a lot of what makes me-me. Things that I use to do that made me happy and healthy I put aside for the happiness and healthiness of others. Now that I’ve been in this mommy-game for a while and will be the rest of my life, it’s time to figure out that balance. I plan on spending most of 2017 figuring out a way to give my kids the attention they deserve, but also find time for myself to be active and eat well and do something that make me happy. For example, I like reading and writing, cooking and listening to music. Actually, I use to do a little dance party during the day when I saw my toddler was getting rambunctious. I would put on YouTube and start playing music and we would dance and get all his energy out. Luckily both of my boys have music in their blood, so there’s one solution to being active, doing something I love and playing with my boys. Three birds, one stone. P.S. I like how positive I am in the morning. 

Of course, my final resolution is to continue being a good mother. I’d like to begin teaching my toddler a little at home. Designate a little spot where we do some learning activities together and get him ready for preschool. I’d also love to potty train him. Luckily winter is coming (GOT reference right there) and we will be inside a lot so that will be the silver lining to snow storms and 20 degree weather.

Ok, so let’s some this up. 

2017 New Year’s Resolutions:

-Find the time
-Write more
-Take better care of myself
-Kick ass at parenthood

Here’s to the New Year!


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