To Shave Or Not To Shave?
Ok, I just heard about this new/old beauty technique the other day. I have to say...I'm intrigued. I really want to try this. Sadly, I do not have a straight razor which is what is recommended and therefore I must wait. So please if you are interested, watch this video first, do not go into the shower and start shaving your face after you've shaved your legs, please? Promise me? Ok. Thanks.
I've watched a few beauty vlogger's and aesthetician's videos about doing this and it makes so much sense to me. I actually can't believe I A) haven't done this before and B) haven't heard about it sooner. Think about shave your legs, your arm pits (I even shave my arms) and we all love that fresh-shaved feeling. So I'm imagining the results that these women are talking about. That when you shave your face, all the dead skin, peach-fuzz and caked on makeup, will all be taken off. It exfoliates your skin without using a scrub* and gets rid of all that unwanted hair. I personally don't have any dark hair that bothers me on my face but I do have peach-fuzz and I would not be sorry to see it go.
I'm sure that the only reason I wouldn't do this is for fear of my husband catching me in the process and looking horrified at me through the bathroom door. But the end result may be worth it.
I have used St. Ives Apricot Scrub for as long as I can remember. Have you ever had an accident where the little scrubbing beads went into body parts they shouldn't have? No? Good. Thank your lucky stars. Just another reason I'd like to try face shaving. ;)
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