Becoming More Organized This Year
How To Become Organized In The New Year
As the new year is fast approaching, it’s become a tradition for us to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the new one ahead. One of the most popular of resolutions is becoming more organized.
There are many things to organize and many ways to organize them. The most basic of which is your life. As a working wife and mother, it is imperative to keep everything together in order to keep my sanity. Here are my most basic tips to begin organizing your life:
What You Will Need:
Page Protectors
1) Planner
I’m not a fan of keeping anything of importance on my phone. It can break, get lost or even stolen, the process of recovering everything is just a pain so I prefer the caveman method of *gasp* writing things down.
At the end of each month, I begin planning the month ahead. I jot down any birthdays and events coming up, bills and utilities due, work responsibilities and family member activities, doctor appointments, basically anything and everything of importance. I also like to schedule any meals we will be needing to cook, errands that have to get done and any really good coupons or sales that may be expiring soon. After I do this, I set up my bill pay for the month and *ta-da* in one day you have an organized your life!
2) Calendar
While I take my planner with me to add to it throughout the month, I keep a community calendar in my home for the family to be aware of what to expect each day. I just transfer over all the information that my husband or children will need to know in order for everyone to organize their days accordingly. It also helps for jotting things down as they come up throughout the day.
3) Binders and Page Protectors
One of the greatest ways I keep our life organized is having some important things in binders which I keep in a central location in my home. Depending on your specific situation will depend on how many binders you will need. For my family I have a family binder which contains our logins and passwords, family birthdays, addresses and school calendars. I also have a binder that includes household warranties and instruction manuals for all of our appliances and other big purchases. Put everything in page protectors and you don’t have to worry about anything happening to your important papers. I also like to keep a binder of credit card and bank statements along with utility bills to keep them organized and readily available to us should we need them.
This is the most basic way to start to organize your life. Remembering so much can be stressful, especially if you have a lot of moving parts. These few tips should allow you to transition from chaos to calm in just one day! Good Luck tackling organization in the New Year!
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