Morning From Hell

Well, it's 9:30 am and I already am over this day. Last night, when I laid my head down to sleep after a long day of prepping the house and family for vistors, I was hoping for one nice, relaxing Sunday morning. Boy, did I have some big plans! Sleeping in until 8, having a nice hot cup of coffee to wake me up, maybe take a 15 minute shower and then start the day getting ready for a fun, family outing.


1:30am- Baby wakes up much earlier than usual for a feeding. Change baby. Feed baby. Burp baby. Baby projectile vomits all over the freshly washed sheets. Console baby. Worry if baby is sick. Wide awake. Starving. Change sheets. Baby seems fine. Baby cries. Finish feeding baby. Rock baby to sleep. Ahhh back to bed.

5:30am-Baby wakes up. Change baby. Go make bottle. Half asleep mommy forgets to screw cap on said bottle. Shake bottle. FUCK! Make new bottle. Formula on shirt and floor. Bring bottle up to baby. Change shirt. Swiffer steam formula floor. Feed baby. Burp baby. No throw up. Sigh of relief. Rock baby to sleep. Back to bed.

6:55am- Baby wakes up. WHAT?!?! Feed baby some more. Baby smiling. LOVE HIM. :) Baby will not go back to sleep. Damn it.

7:00am- Crazy lady neighbor setting up yard sale. Great. Hear everything.

8:36am- Smell bacon. Fiance is cooking breakfast. Hear baby screaming. He's still awake? Go downstairs. Try EVERYTHING to get baby to sleep. Baby is asleep. Put baby in bassinet. Swaddle. Carefully. Ahhhh. Downstairs to pee! Peeing. Baby cries. Ugh. Rock baby to sleep. Baby smiles. I REALLY love him. Baby sleeps.

9:00am- AHHHH coffee. Cars turning in our driveway due to Crazy Lady's yard sale. Annoyed. Eat breakfast. Child #2 arguing that he doesn't want to eat his eggs.

9:30am- Baby still sleeping. :) Child # 2 still arguing over the eggs. :(

9:50am- I'm pretty sure child #2 did not finish his eggs.

9:51am- Thanking God that at least I got to finish my coffee... :)


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