I have not been able to write for a while because I have been devoting my time to my son as I gear up for my inevitable return to work tomorrow and I have come to this's going to SUCK. 

I have no desire to stay at home. In fact, I usually go stir crazy and get bored. I'm not a housewife. I have nothing against those who are, I just feel the need to be out in society, making money and providing for myself and my family. But, I also have no desire to leave my child. I could take him places, socialize him, do everything I need to have him be a happy and satisfied baby boy, but mommy needs her $$$. If I could bring my baby to work with me, I would have the best of both worlds. Career woman and mother. Unfortunately, that's not possible. I've been thinking long and hard about what it is that would make me utterly happy and that would be getting paid to be a mother. BRILLIANT. I know.

Think about it...think about how hard it is to raise another human being. We actually PAY STRANGERS TO DO IT FOR US because we have to work to make money to pay these strangers. So...why can't we just be paid ourselves? I mean, my son may be the next President of the United States, shouldn't I be monetarily stable by the country he will be leading one day in order to raise him to be that President? Shouldn't "STAY-AT-HOME-MOM" be a career path? Can't I just get paid for raising my boy until he is at least old enough to go to Pre-K? Makes sense right? Yeah, I thought so.

Until then, I better finish ironing my clothes for my first day back at work tomorrow. And pack tissues. LOTS of tissues. This does SUCK. 


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