And Here Comes #2
Expecting your second child is completely different from expecting your first. If you were anything like me, you had absolutely no clue what was going on the first time. You had never watched a live birth or knew many women with children and you had nothing to fear because you didn't know what to expect. There is a calmness that comes with the unknown. You have little to no expectations because there is nothing you can compare the experience to. Well, that has all changed this time around...I know too much.
I know what can go wrong, I know that C-Sections are horrible compared to natural births and I know that the epidural, although it does magic, hurts like a bitch going in. There is a lot of pain that lasts for hours and then there's the actual pushing. Sure you don't remember the whole thing and the exact feel of everything, but I do remember that it f'ing hurts.
But, way before the 9th month you get to go through the 1st trimester. In my case it is worse than my last pregnancy. I cannot eat anything and dairy is now my sworn enemy. My hormones are even more of a mess than they were before and I'm dehydrated from the constant sickness. Oh, did I mention that I am extremely exhausted due to the toddler I have running around now? Yeah...this is fun.
My son and his new brother or sister will be just about 2 years apart. While this pregnancy wasn't exactly planned the way my first was, it is still something exciting and even though there are certain things that make me want to crawl under a rock or runaway for a few days, it is still something I am happy about. Mostly I am happy that my son will always have a sibling and since they are close in age; a best friend. This will be someone who he can play with and be on the same level with for his life and share experiences with. This will be someone who I will love just as much as my first even though I wasn't sure that amount of love is possible for a person to have.
I'm pretty excited (did I say that already?) not only for me but for my son. He deserves to have a companion through this crazy world we live in who can relate to him being so close in age. I couldn't image it being any other way.
I know what can go wrong, I know that C-Sections are horrible compared to natural births and I know that the epidural, although it does magic, hurts like a bitch going in. There is a lot of pain that lasts for hours and then there's the actual pushing. Sure you don't remember the whole thing and the exact feel of everything, but I do remember that it f'ing hurts.
But, way before the 9th month you get to go through the 1st trimester. In my case it is worse than my last pregnancy. I cannot eat anything and dairy is now my sworn enemy. My hormones are even more of a mess than they were before and I'm dehydrated from the constant sickness. Oh, did I mention that I am extremely exhausted due to the toddler I have running around now? Yeah...this is fun.
My son and his new brother or sister will be just about 2 years apart. While this pregnancy wasn't exactly planned the way my first was, it is still something exciting and even though there are certain things that make me want to crawl under a rock or runaway for a few days, it is still something I am happy about. Mostly I am happy that my son will always have a sibling and since they are close in age; a best friend. This will be someone who he can play with and be on the same level with for his life and share experiences with. This will be someone who I will love just as much as my first even though I wasn't sure that amount of love is possible for a person to have.
I'm pretty excited (did I say that already?) not only for me but for my son. He deserves to have a companion through this crazy world we live in who can relate to him being so close in age. I couldn't image it being any other way.
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