Ultimate Grocery/Chore List

Every house has their essentials. The things they always need to have on hand because they use them so much and without these necessities, their household is not functioning as well as it should. And let's face it, the reason we organize or plan is so that things go smoothly and that theory can be incorporated into every aspect of your life, especially at home. You have kids, appointments, jobs, errands and vacations. The easier we can streamline our lives, the better it is for everyone involved.

One of the most annoying things in life is creating a shopping list and forgetting something or not noticing you are running low on something. Unless you are completely out of shampoo or detergent, you barely remember to purchase it. In order to fix this, I thought of going through our rooms and seeing what it is we usually shop for or need on a constant basis, this way, before any lists are made or any shopping is done, we have checked everything and know what we are running low on so that we don't run out of it. Do you know how sad it is to be pregnant and crave cereal and realize you don't have any left? Yeah...never again. Plus, it will give you a better understanding of your budget, when you know what you need and when, there are no surprise expenses.

So without further adieu, here is our chart. This may be different from house to house, but this is what we need/like to have on stock so we don't run out of any of them unexpectedly.

I also have one for cleaning. This is divided into the rooms of the house and what has to be done daily, weekly or monthly. I decided to come up with this one because of how embarrassed I feel to have company over and not have time to run around "cleaning" everything an hour before they arrive and by "cleaning" I mean wiping things down frantically and throwing dirty laundry (or clean laundry for that matter) in another room to hide it from sight.

Some people may think I'm crazy or a little too OCD and you know what? I am. But that's ok, everyone has their own way of doing things that makes life easier for them. This is one of those things that make me operate at my best. I may not follow it all the time, but for the most part, these lists are an excellent way to remind myself to do things that would normally be forgotten or overlooked. If it isn't up your alley, don't do it, if it's something you think may help you out, here's an example to work off of. :) 


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