The Law Of Attraction

I have a really good feeling about 2018! I don't have specific reasons for why I feel so positive about it, but I am super excited to just slay this year! <- Too much? People may make fun of me or others for putting ourselves out there in blogs or social media, etc... but I find it to be a great place to hold yourself accountable. It's an even better place to share stories of life lessons or changes. One thing that I would love to share with others is my experience with the Law of Attraction.

The truth is, years ago I went through a horrible life decision. I decided to move in with a boyfriend. It wasn't something I truly wanted, it was something I was pressured into. Since my boyfriend at the time was terrible with money, I paid for a majority of the expenses and the furniture. I put every dime I had into this apartment. To make a very long story short, it turned out that this guy was not who I thought he was. He was selling and doing drugs. He had no license and his car was impounded the first week we lived together. He was in so much debt and stole from other. He was a mentally abusive person who was starting to get physical. He was just a terrible guy who manipulated me every chance he got. I couldn't be in that situation and so I paid lawyers to get me out of my lease, went to court and moved back in with my mom almost a week after I had moved in. It cost me thousands of dollars and my trust in men was destroyed. Needless to say I was depressed.

At first I blamed him for everything. I blamed him for why I was in this situation. I blamed his parents and friends for why they didn't do more to warn me. I blamed God. I basically pointed the finger at everyone else but the one person who was truly the reason for why I was where I was-myself. I wasn't holding myself accountable for the decisions I had made. I wasn't believing that I was the only person in control of my life.

I learned some big life lessons through all of that mess. It was so much worse than what I described, but I am leaving a lot out because the most important part of this story is what happened after. After this whole ordeal I was broke, depressed and at times fearing for my safety (like I said, I left some things out). I was not taking care of myself. I didn't even want to look at another man again. I believed they were all deceitful, abusive liars. I wanted to just lay in bed all day. But I started reading a book called The Secret and I loved the feeling I got from it. After that I really tried to practice the Law of Attraction.

I wanted more money at work-I got a promotion. I wanted to make new friends- I did. I wanted to get stronger - I went to the gym. I basically saw the life I wanted and the people I wanted to surround myself with, the money I wanted to make and I achieved it. I really did my part in using The Secret and the rest just fell into place. This really sounds funny coming from me, but it's all true. I'm not making this up. I realized that if I wanted a better (insert desire here), then I had to hold myself accountable and go get it. I used the Law of Attraction to do it all.

So I was doing really well at work, was feeling strong and living an amazing life. I was probably the happiest and most confident I'd ever been. Then something really awesome happened. I started to believe that the next guy I dated was going to be my husband. I was not going to waste time on anyone else. I had a list of the qualities I wanted and I put out into the universe that I knew what I deserved and I wouldn't waste time with any other man who didn't treat me right. Sure enough, by the end of that year...I met my husband.

So I truly believe in the Law of Attraction and believing that I can do and have whatever I want because it's happened. Some where in between having babies and living life, I had forgotten this. In the past few years I had been in a depressed fog, whether it was because of post-partum or just life getting away from me, I was playing the blame game again. I was focusing on the negative rather than any positive. I woke up one morning realizing that I had been doing this and that enough was enough.  If I keep up the positive energy and live with intention and purpose, then I can live the best life. I am in control of it. I am responsible for why I feel how I feel or where my life is headed.

Hopefully someone out there will have their life changed by this thought process and try to practice the Law of Attraction in 2018!


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