Frugal Friday

I recently stumbled upon another blog about getting out of debt and living financially responsible lives as newlyweds. I have been on the same mindset since having my son and getting married. The link is OUR FREAKING BUDGET. They mention that it's a constant state of mind and that you have good months and bad, but you keep trying at it. That's a great way of looking at it. Did they always stick to their budget? No. But, did they continue to try? Yes.

I mention this because I look at spending a little differently than before I became responsible for another human being and a family. I have been doing couponing and got hooked and pretty good at it, could I be better? Absolutely. Will I keep trying? You bet! But, I have come to realize that it's not just on groceries that I can/should save, it's all over the place! I did some digging into my accounts to find that I have been frivolously spending money on random things for basically...ever. How do I walk into Target and spend $90.00 every-single-time?! If I can rewind the times I would do it completely differently. Here are a few ways I've been dedicated to saving:

Look At Your Utility Bills

-I was recently "Rewarded" for my continuously on-time payments from my cable company. In the email they said my internet speed would be upgraded on them. Great! Thank you! I get my bill the next month and I find my bill went up $15.00. Why? Oh that internet speed upgrade. No thank you. So I cut that back since we only use one computer/tablet at a time. I also was paying $10.00 a month for Spanish language channels. Now, I can speak Spanish like a high school senior, but I am not going to ever watch my TV shows in another language. Gone to that. If I really wanted to go crazy, I could cut more, but this was good enough for now.

-I am a stickler for not using electricity. I HATE when lights are left on and no one is in the room. I also hate when computers are left on, things are left on the chargers when they are fully charged, when the TVs are on and no one is watching them. Ugh! Pet peeve! By simply turning off the lights and unused electronic equipment, the dollars come off the bill!

-I also am not a fan of a hot house. Now that we have a baby, of course I'm mindful that he needs to be warm. But, if no one is home all day, lower the heat. It will not be freezing if you set your heater to 68 degrees when you're not home and then turn it up at night when it's time for bed and the temp drops. I have secretly done this to my husband for years. Guess what? The gas bill is lower than it has ever been. ;) You're welcome, love.


-When I need something for a limited time, I like to borrow. Why spend the money on a huge platter for the holidays when your mother-in-law has one she's not going to use? That's a savings right there! During the holidays, hosting parties is expensive enough, the food, the drinks, the can get real! Why not borrow that nice table cloth from your Aunt or some mixing bowls from your Mom? If everyone is coming to you, you need to accommodate for the amount of food your will be serving. Why waste the money on buying all of that when it can be borrowed, washed and given back?

Free Fun

-Since having a child, my husband and I started to discover a lot of community events that we can go to on a bi-weekly if not weekly basis. Of course some how we would spend money on trinkets and food...still learning, but we would also pack lunches and have little picnics. In the summer we walked on the boardwalk, visited family, went to little community events and other things. For fall there are Halloween parades, playing in leaves, going on walks or to the park, picnics, etc.... And if the weather is bad or you just feel like getting stuff done at home, there is always Redbox or making old movies you haven't seen in a while make a cameo. Trying new recipes and even choosing a few old board games/toys to play with is always a nice time. And who can pass up a cozy day on the couch reading when the kids are asleep or just spending time with family?


-I have mentioned this in previous blog posts. I am a HUGE believer in coupons, but now I took a little extra step. I now only create dinners based on the food we have in the house (which I got with coupons) and that's it. I Google recipes that will contain the ingredients I want to use or just come up with crazy ideas of my own. I have to say it has widened our palettes and expanded our dinner choices tremendously! I had no idea I was capable of planning, much less executing, an entire meal but TA-DA!


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