Mommy Morning

5:45 am- Wake up and decide which body parts to shower this morning.

6:07- Put makeup on to hide the fact that you did not sleep last night and your 5 month old likes to wake up at 3:00 am for a night cap.

6:25-Yes, it takes that long to do my makeup because it's the only "me time"  I allow myself to have. Now off to do hair...

6:30- That was easy...settled on a bun.

6:30-6:45- Get dressed. AKA find clothes in a mountain of clean laundry piled on the bed and then try on everything until I find something that covers up all of my lumpy areas. Look around and realize, the bedroom is now a disaster. Turn off the light and vow to clean this up tonight.

6:45-7:00- Make my husband and I some lunch for work, finish up some coffee, clean up the kitchen, wake up baby and then change baby, give baby medicine, start feeding baby.

7:30-Baby is not finishing his bottle before our 7:45 departure for Nursery School.

7:35-Baby poops...everywhere! Not in my plan this morning.

7:40-7:50-Clean up huge mess. Gag. Keep cleaning. Pick out new clothes. No clothes in baby's room. Go downstairs to look in the second clean laundry time for this. Grab 3 month old pants and figure I can pass them off as skinny jeans.

8:15- Realize I'm officially late for work, baby won't finish bottle and my keys are locked in my car. Search for spare. Found them, thank Goodness, get baby in car and turn on musical mirror. Look for remote for musical mirror...where the f*ck is the musical mirror remote?! Oh, in my husband's car, of course.

8:28-Arrive at daycare. Forgot check, go to car to get it. Drop off baby, talk to teachers, leave school for work...completely late.

8:45- Arrive at work. Start to work. Go make toast for breakfast. Can't wait! I'm starving! Toaster doesn't work. :( Plan B. Microwave breakfast burrito, go to close microwave door, necklace gets caught and breaks. Vow to never accessorize again! At least there is coffee! No lids for the Styrofoam cups, please do not spill this!

This is normal right??

I feel like I ran a marathon before 9 heels no less.


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