Judgement Day

I have learned a lot being a mother. Most of all, I have learned that you put your child first 110% of the time and I also learned that people who do not have kids will never understand this. 

They will never understand why you use your vacation days to take care of your sick child rather than go away for a week on an actual vacation. They will never understand why you can't just "find a sitter" and have a night out. They will never ever understand why you can't get a good night's sleep even though you fell asleep at 8pm. And they will never get why you look a mess but your child looks like he/she belongs in a Children's Place ad.

The worst is that these people who simply do not understand this new mentality of yours also are quick to pass judgement on you, whether it's in a social enviornment or a work enviornment. They will say "awww poor baby, hope he feels better" to your face but behind your back they will co-mingle with other non-parents and act as though they were given a riddle they cannot solve..."she must have used all her vacation days by now?", "she canceled again?", " I was up at 5am too, you don't see me complaining, right?" And the judgemental statements go on and on. How do I know this? Because I have seen it being done.

Why do these people get to judge what a parent deems to be important or necessary? It's now my belief that these are the type of people who should never have children. The poor kids would wind up going to school sick so that their mother or father can save a vacation day. Please. It just seems so selfish to me now. And a bit pathetic. I can judge just as much as anyone who judges me and I can say that I am happy with the path I have chosen. I would feel empty and selfish if I hadn't had a child. I cannot wait to grow a large family no matter how many vacation days I use to take care of my kids or how much money it costs to raise my children. I cannot wait to grow old and be surrounded by my children and grandchildren. It gives me a purpose and a reason to live this crazy life. 

So my point is... shut the f*ck up. :)


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