Aveeno Review

Since birth, we have been using Johnson & Johnson products on my son. I'm a new mom so I figured if everyone else is using it, we should too. This included bath soap, shampoo and lotion. We began seeing his skin become very dry, to the point where we took him to his pediatrician because it was alarming. His cheeks were red and chapped and his legs, arms and torso had dry, rough patches. His doctor suggested it was eczema and instructed us to use Aquaphor before we try any medication. Hoping we could avoid using any medication at all, we tried the aquaphor.

The jelly consistancy was very thick on his skin and hard to apply to our squirmy 8 month old as often as we needed. The "lotion" which is more like petrollium jelly, needed to be fully rubbed into the skin or else it would just lay on top in a blob. It also made putting clothes on him impossible as they would stick like glue to his skin. And I can't forget to mention that it was a bit pricey.

I have very sensitive skin myself and can only use certain types of skin products which includes Aveeno. So we tried this out on our boy. 

We noticed a difference instantly. We switched his bath products to Aveeno Baby and his lotion to Aveeno Baby as well. His dry, red cheeks disapeered before our eyes in a day! Those rough, dry patches on his body turned smooth in a week!

I cannot believe we didn't try it sooner. I'm so happy with the results and I'm most happy that this was available over the counter and at a very decent price. I never would have thought we would have a problem with Johnson & Johnson since it is often a baby product that everyone uses. Luckily we tested a few different options and found something that worked for us. It was a little scarey to go a different route but it worked out well! 

Both can be found in your local stores. We purchased ours at Target both for under $10.00.


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