The Crib Transition

Baby's transition has been well overdue. I have just been in a state of denial but we finally did it. No more bassinet. While we are all sleeping much better, I find myself missing hearing him breathe next to me and knowing that I can just peek over and see him to make sure he is OK throughout the night. I'm constantly getting up to go across to his bedroom and watch over him to make sure he is fine. But this little change is for the best. I have to admit he sleeps much more soundly and looks so much more comfortable than in his tiny bassinet. But here are a few rules we have been strict about because I've witnessed something terrifying not too long ago.

1) No toys, blankets, bumpers (unless mesh) or stuffed animals in the crib. 

I am serious about this because once I did put a blanket on him and he kicked his feet up and the blanket covered his entire face while he remained asleep! F that. It's so dangerous, I just can't allow it to ever happen again. Plus, when he rolls over, you never know where his face is going to go, sometimes it could land on his stuffed animal and block his air passages, sometimes a Sophie will be near his eye, you just can't control it. At four months, he can sleep with his pajamas on and be perfectly content. We just adjust the temperature accordingly.

2) Face down.

My baby has always had an issue of his arms and hands waking him up. He will be dead asleep and then all of a sudden, he must feel a falling sensation and his arms and legs flinch thus waking him up. This is why we would swaddle him. Now, we have done away with the swaddle because he rolls over so much, so I put him on his tummy or his side. He is much more comfortable this way. He has always had great head and neck control and just turns and moves throughout the night to get comfortable. This prevents that falling sensation and helps him stay asleep longer, which is what he really needs.

3) Practice. Practice. Practice.

Even though he loves his swing and it's conveniently located in our living room, for longer naps we try to keep him in his crib. This has helped him get use to staying asleep longer.

4) Bedtime routine.

We began giving baby his last bottle around 7-730 every night. We begin by getting him in his pjs, going upstairs, turning the lights low and having no TV on. Instead, we read a story. Some nights he gets excited by the illustrations and others, he gets a little sleepy. Then we give him his bottle, speak in whispers and rock away. By the time the bottle is done he is out for the night. He is getting the routine down and is adjusting his sleep schedule to it. Before we would be in the living room with the TV on, lights on, my stepson playing on the floor, just too many distractions. It would take forever for him to get his eyes closed and just sleep. Instead he'd get overtired, overeat and then be miserable.

Since doing these simple steps we have found that he is much more comfortable and well rested. Every baby is different, but these suggestions may be helpful to others. The only thing we do on occassion that I have not listed is that we sometimes give him his pacifier because he is teething. He is not a fan of it, never was, but when his teeth bother him, we give him that so he doesn't stick his hands in his mouth and wake himself up. 

If all else fails, a little diaper change, burping and Johnson's Night Time Lotion does the trick. ;)


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