Just Your Average Day

For anyone who thinks SAHMs have soooooo much time on their hands to do whatever...think again. Here is a typical day for me:

6:30am- Wake up with baby/COFFEE/diaper changes/unload dishwasher/Thomas & Friends

7:00am- Feed Baby/Sesame Street

8:00am-Clean up Baby/clean highchair/make breakfast & lunch for my husband

7:45-8:30am-Play with baby/change diaper/give Baby bottle

9:00am- Nap time

9:00-10:30am-Cleaning/quick shower/breakfast/take out dinner/makeup/hair/get dressed/pack diaper bag/clean breakfast/work on a project or blog

10:30am- Get baby ready/change Baby

10:45am- Errands or park/give baby snacks

12:30pm- Home/change Baby/get Baby's lunch ready/feed Baby

1:30pm-Clean up Baby/clean up lunch/bath?

1:30-2:00pm- Play/change Baby

2:00pm- Bottle and nap

2:30-3:30pm- Clean/fold laundry/project or blog/prep dinner/lunch

3:30pm-Change baby/snack time/play

5:30pm- Dinner for Baby

5:45pm-Daddy's home/play with Baby/clean up Baby's dinner/Facetime with Grandparents

7:00pm-Start dinner for me and my husband

7:30pm-Change Baby/Bottle/Baby bedtime

Dinner time for me and my husband/clean up dinner/load dishwasher/watch TV or movie/sleep

So for those moms out there who do even more than this with more than one child...all I can say is WOW. :)


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