True Blood: The Next Generation

Teething is a bitch. Everything becomes a teether. Nothing and no one is safe. My skin looks like a vampire has attacked it night after night. My eyes widen and I soon have cat like relexes the moment I see that little mouth open and hear the light pitter-patter of feet heading my way. When does it stop? Is this normal? Or am I just raising a bitter?

Friends and family must beware of my son the pirhanna. At least until all his teeth come in I suppose. I am at a loss as to how to break my son of the habit of biting everything and everyone when he teeth become bothersome. I have tried cold teethers, toys and everything else, but it's something about flesh that attracts those pearly whites...and couches, blankets, carpets, cribs, I think you get what I'm dealing with here.

I am currently researching how to stop this terrorizing stage of growth, but so far no such luck. He mostly does it when his teeth are bothering him or he gets excited. But everything I read tells me to give him a time out; A) he is 11 momths and B) I'm not going to punish him for getting excited; that is ridiculous. 

At this point I am open to any suggestions! I don't want to have to buy my son a cape and call him Dracula just yet. :)


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