WTF just happened????

My husband and I take turns sleeping in and by sleeping in I mean until 7am when he has to get ready for work. Until then one of us is up with our son when he wakes up anywhere from 5-630. In this time (I can only speak for myself) I change him, feed him, give him juice, play with him and have some coffee while simultaneously doing other things like making my husband breakfast and lunch and emptying the dishwasher. What my husband does during this time, I'm not sure...I have to ask him.

Today, was my day to wake up with our boy who decided 5:33 was the perfect time to yell for me. When I found him in his crib he was soaked!! Wet through his diaper and his sheets. Fun time cleaning him and that up when I could barely open my eyes.

After coming downstairs for his morning juice and vitamin along with my cup of coffee... I tried desperately to find a cartoon for him but settled on the news (which he loves like his mommy). Everything was typical. Time to relax and watch him play while I wake up from my groggy state, right? Oh how little you know about children.

In typical 1 year old fashion, my son decided to knock over that delicious lifeline that is commonly referred to as coffee. It spilled (don't worry it was cool, it is 90 degrees out already after all) all over him. Outfit change and cleanup #2.

As if that wasn't fun enough, he then had tummy problems. While relocating him in order to change him for the third time I noticed (to my shock and horror) it had made it out of his diaper. Ever try changing a squirming 13 month old with diarrhea? Answer: it makes what's in the diaper get out of the diaper. A little morning bath at 7:00 is just what he wanted I'm sure. 

Bath time was a disaster as well. Someone likes to stand up in the bath and try to walk out of it. Somewhere in between his slipping and sliding and getting water all over the bathroom, I some how managed to get him cleaned up and changed. Another graceful mommy moment.

These things that drive me absolutely crazy while I'm half asleep are also the things I love. Not that I love cleaning messes or having my child have tummy problems but I love how comical it all becomes. One minute you are sleeping the next you are like a zombie rising from the dead and going a mile a minute, usually screaming at your husband from exhaustion or frustration but it's also very slapstick. Sometimes you need these moments from your kid to break up your day and just make you laugh. 

Mission accomplished my son. :)


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