Just In Time...

Just when I begin to have a moment of longing for my former body before baby, I find random articles like the one below regarding other women who are going through the same metamorphosis as me and have a better perspective than I do on the situation.

All I can say is, I'm sick to death of seeing celebrity women have a baby and then walk out on the streets of Hollywood back in shape in a month. How the hell is that even possible? Think about it... for a vaginal delivery you need at least 6 weeks of healing before being able to workout. For a C-Section, it is 8 weeks or more! Plus, how the hell do you find the time? Then I realized that they are celebrities and I don't know what secrets they have (nannies, botox, laser surgery) but it's not in the arsenal of the average woman. Which is why I think I feel so bad about how much I've changed through this whole process. Look at who we have to compare ourselves to. New mothers don't see real women on the cover of magazines after a baby, full of stretch marks and jiggly parts and wider hips, bigger feet and dry shampooed hair. No, what they see are airbrushed, photoshopped, celebrities who I believe are freaks of nature to come out of something like pregnancy unscathed. Until I saw this article about Alyssa Milano. The advice she gives and the fact that she is honest about what goes on with her body during pregnancy, brings me a little joy inside knowing that she is telling it like it really is which is rare.


Alyssa Milano Embraces Pregnancy Weight Gain: "We Don't Get Hungry When We're Pregnant for No Reason"

Alyssa MilanoAbaca USA/AKM-GSI
Wait, flaunting a baby bump in a belly-skimming outfit isn't the end-all and be-all of celebrity pregnancy?!
"I love it," Fit Pregnancy's August/September cover girl Alyssa Milano, who's expecting her second child in early fall, told the magazine when asked if she was a woman who loved being pregnant or hated it.
"I don't think it's as romantic as we project it to be through the media, but I think what the body goes through is miraculous," she added. "It's such a cool thing to experience. I feel blessed that I'm getting another chance to do it, especially at 41."
Alyssa Milano, InstagramInstagram
The mother of 2 1/2-year-old son Milo with hubby David Bugliari told the magazine that she sensed pretty early on that her baby was going to be a girl this time around.
"I had morning sickness this time, but it went away right at 12 weeks," Milano explained. "With Milo, I didn't have a minute of morning sickness. So I knew it was going to be a girl."
She said that she feels good, "but I'm tired, and I don't know if that's the pregnancy or because I've been working so much."
"Someone said a wise thing to me when I was pregnant with Milo," she told the mag. "'Savor this pregnancy, because it's entirely about this baby, but your second pregnancy will still be about this baby who will already have been born.' That's super true."
The Mistresses star, who will also return for Project Runway: All Stars' fourth season, also said that her focus is on remaining healthy, weight gain be damned.
"A female body is not made to look good in a bikini," Milano said. "It's made to give birth and have a baby and be a cozy companion for it afterward. And for my body, that meant putting on a lot of weight [with Milo]."
She continued: "I didn't indulge in fast food or junk food, so I knew it was a healthy weight. I just realized: This is what my body needs to do to have a healthy baby."
"We don't get hungry when we're pregnant for no reason," she says.
"You're making a skeletal system. You're making organs. I refuse to look at the scale. I didn't look at the scale with Milo until the day I gave birth. It's funny, my file was open at my appointment yesterday and there was a big Post-it note that said, 'She does not want to know her weight.'"


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