Holy Short Shorts Batman!

Have I been out of the fashion loop for so long that I missed how shorts became underwear? Even when I was my normal size I could not fit into these ass-cheek showing, pieces of fabric they have the nerve to call shorts, nor would I want to. I believe that clothing should cover your lady parts. But hey, that's just the mother in me talking I guess.

On my lovely venture to the mall for the first time in a long time, I had every intention in taking the baby for a quick run in so that I can finally have something other than leggings to wear. 

SIDE NOTE: Baby did excellent by the way! Of course he had his moments of crying fits, but all in all, he was able to keep his cool and take a nap long enough for me to grab a few pairs of shorts in an unmentionable size :( to take home to try on. 

Well, finding "shorts" that were not underwear was my main concern. With only a few hours to spare between baby feedings and diaper changes, I did my homework online and on social media. Where could I find shorts that will not show the goods? A majority of the girls said American Eagle. So, that's where I went and they turned out to be having a HUGE sale on shorts! Now of course they have their "shorties" and all, but they also have "midis" and "bermudas" which is the style I am in need of right now. I suggest that if you don't want to shop at Sears for your "mom jeans", try American Eagle. Love their fabric and their style is evolving to fit more than just the stick figure, California teenager unlike most stores (*cough Hollister cough*). 

These are the Midis for only $25.00

This is an example of the Bermudas for also $25.00


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