Random Hacks To Simplify Your New Life

Not all of these may be new to you but I figured I'd share a few things that have saved me some time and money along the way these last few, hectic months.


If you are a mother or just a WOMAN, you NEED to be a member of a wholesale club! Whether it's BJ's, Sams Club or Costco, buying things you need on a regular basis will save you A LOT of money especially in the baby department. 

This 34 oz container gives you 50% more than the ones you find at your regular grocery store, Target or Walmart. It is also more product for your money. This formula at BJ'S is about $33.00 and you are getting 50% more than the smaller one that runs $25.00 at Target. Plus with your Similac Strong Moms Membership (I will discuss this later), you can deduct $5.00 at checkout, making it even cheaper.

This works for Diapers, Wipes (especially) and if you're a woman; feminine products. Also, if you have manufacturer coupons, you will be able to use those on top of the BJ's membership coupons giving you even more savings! 

If you feel like you still can't afford to join a wholesale club, check with family and friends. You can use their card if you make a trip together and I've also used my Mother's card without her even being present! 

# 2 Similac Strong Moms

If you use formula, then this will help TREMENDOUSLY. Formula is expensive when you have a growing baby. If you sign up for this you will receive $5.00 checks to use on their formula. They usually send you two every few weeks. But, if your baby requires more formula than you can keep up with, then have your friends or family sign up too! Usually as long as they have a different address they will send the checks to them, which they can hand over to you! Cashiers have yet to ask me for ID when purchasing formula while using these checks, but if you are afraid they will, just ask your family member or friend to pick up two tubs when possible and you will reimburse them! Still saving money in the long run.

# 3 Make Your Shopping List Online

I will use my local grocery store for example; Shoprite. Shoprite has the option to create a grocery list online. This is AMAZING. If you are ever trying to stick to a budget, you should DEFINITELY do this! It takes a little time to search for all of your food products but at least you know exactly how much you will be spending! The pricing includes all of the current sales, so, you can use their flyer for special deals and then for your regular needs such as milk, produce, etc... this will help you stay on track. It even keeps all of your items organized by grocery and frozen section so you know where to go. 

I'm guilty of going in with a list and not knowing how much it's all going to cost me. I will go in for a few things thinking "it can't be more than $30.00" but then you get to the register and realize you had no idea how much strawberries were going for these days. 

# 4 The Dollar Store Is Amazing

For a few items like cleaning products, bins, baskets, organizing necessities and gift bags, this store comes in handy! Balloons, small party supplies, candles, containers and seasonal decorations are what I run to the Dollar Store for. Everything you need for your kitchen you can find in this store! I swear all of my dishrags and food containers and plastic cooking utensils came from this place and I spent a fraction of the cost compared to Wal-Mart and Target.

#5 Plan Ahead

Although it could be difficult, it is imperative to plan ahead, especially if you have a baby, a family, friends and a life! I cannot tell you how many times I have forgotten to pay a credit card bill since the baby was born or how we rush around the house to clean up before family arrives. It can cause arguments and stress as you gather up all the bottles laying around the house while you vacuum and dust and put away laundry before Grandma and Grandpa come to visit.

I find that creating a list every day of what I want to accomplish that day or week helps a lot. Household chores get pushed to the side and before you know it, your baby ran out of clean burp cloths! Dishes are piled so high in the sink, you can't wash a bottle! You haven't been to the store so your poor dog is eating grass for dinner! Plan a head. Plan as much as you can to get your household things done, your personal needs done and your family's activities scheduled and you will have less chaos on a daily basis. 

Of course, not everything works out, but you will feel so much better knowing that you planned as much as possible and accomplished more that day than you would have had you not planned ahead. This goes for family outings as well... get as much done the night before and have a list of what to pack and where you're going and eating, etc... It will help to know you plan on having lunch at this restaurant at the same time the baby needs to eat while on a road trip. If I have time, I will put an example up of one of the many lists I have for myself and for my fiance to do.

#6 Over Cook!

I once made so many grits in cooking class that I was told it could feed the entire high school. I didn't mean to do this at the time, I just couldn't follow directions on a box. But now, my over cooking comes in handy! Think about it... you make baked ziti for dinner for your family. With time being valuable with a new baby, making more than you need will come in handy the next day for lunch or as a leftover dinner the next night. Although the prep time may seem like 5 minutes, in this house, those 5 minutes can turn into 30 with a fussy baby who wants to be held by his mommy :). So you have your share for dinner, wrap it up and then when your step son is hungry for lunch and you don't have time to figure out what to make him or if you had time to get bread for PB&J, pop the leftovers in the oven and you can both have some lunch! 

Also if you are in the mood for take out, Chinese food is the way to go! They give you so much and usually throw in free soup or egg rolls and some how, it always tastes better the more you reheat it. :) And you can reuse their containers. 

#7 Craigslist

I was skeptical at first. But craigslist has some pretty great finds! Last year we needed an air conditioner and found one on craigslist, in great condition for like $50! If you like to save a little, try it out.

#8 Youtube & Blogs

Why spend money on makeup that sucks? Don't. I use Youtube and blogs for product reviews for new makeup and cleaning products. And tips and tricks on how to organize, design and use pretty much everything!


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