Mommy Morning.

I can't believe just how disgusting my day has been so far and I only woke up 90 minutes ago. Somedays I amaze myself as to how I get through them. Before I get into this morning's fiasco, let me just give a quick perspective of my personality. I am a very type A person. I like to be in control of everything. I like things to be CLEAN, ORGANIZED AND SCHEDULED. Especially now with a baby around. I clean every single day. I pick up after others. Crumbs, clothes, towels, dog hair, you name it and I clean it up on a daily basis. I'm not saying everything is always perfect, but I like to make sure I keep up with daily messes so I don't get overwhelmed when they turn into huge ones.

Well, this morning as I sipped my coffee before baby woke up, my stepson happened to drop a piece of french toast on the floor. Of course, instead of picking up said piece of french toast and throwing it away, like father like son he called the dog over to hoover it up. 


Baby wakes up, I'm feeding him his bottle on the couch, still enjoying my cup of Jo as my stepson and fiance leave to bring him to his day camp. Hugs. Kisses. Goodbyes. I continue with my morning routine. No problem. 

Then, while going over all of the things on my "To Do List", I begin to hear a strange noise in the corner of the living room. A choking sound. I knew that sound. Sure enough, the dog decided to throw up. Problem.

As disgusting as it was, I tried to cover it up so I could finish feeding the baby without having to see it. So I put baby down and began to cover it up with a half roll of paper towels. I suppose that the motion of moving from mommy to the pack n play was a bit too much after downing 3 oz of delicious formula because the next to throw up was, you guessed it, baby! Oh joy.

So of course a little cleaning up of the baby took priority and just when I had him looking spic and span he decided that that was the appropriate time to use the bathroom. Perfect timing my son has! Needless to say, that was the next mess I had to clean up. I'm pretty sure that in hockey terms, what I had just witnessed was a hat-trick. 

But after all was said and done, I sat back down after cleaning up every possible disgusting thing I could and felt as though this day was off to a horrible start. Then I see this face staring at me and I am the happiest mommy in the world. Some things you just have to laugh off to yourself. This morning was one of those times. :) 


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