You're Doing What???

It's 6:00 am... my son has been up since 4:30 and I along with him. Six ounces and an hour of rocking later, he is still not going back to sleep. So in turn, I will not be going back to sleep.

It is amazing just how much your life changes with a new addition. Of course you are warned about this, but you are not told that you literally have ZERO time for yourself and I'm not even a single parent so I can't even imagine what a single mother must go through!

I have been getting accustomed to putting another person's needs and wants before mine. Does it get frustrating sometimes? Absolutely. Do I wish there were three of me to get everything done? Every damn day. But I'm starting to learn I NEED to make time for myself. It's the only way I can keep sane and remind myself that I'm more than just a mom. It helps if you have support of course. I use to wake up, check Facebook and Email while drinking my cup of coffee. I'd take a nice, long shower, do my makeup and hair for about two hours while watching E! or Bravo reality shows. I'd pick out a cute outfit for the day and organize my purse. Pay some bills, maybe touch up my nails, go to work, socialize, go out on dates! But now, things don't seem to work out that way at all. Like I've said before; I'm lucky if I can sneak in a 5 minute shower where I get a chance to clean all of me rather than having to pick and choose.

Just the other day I finally got the opportunity to do my nails! Toes included! Thank goodness because having three toes with three month old, chipped nail polish is not a good look for me. And it's crazy how just that little perk can make me feel like my old self again. :)

Sally Hansen Mint Sorbet 

So you may be wondering how any of this  pertains to my blog's title...well as I reiterate the fact that I have no time for myself, my friends, most of my family, housework, errands or anything else and how accomplishing something so little as painting my nails is a huge accomplishment for me...I am now planning one of the biggest events of my life; my wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!

This should be fun ;).


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